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  • Writer's pictureThe Real Ding


Following on from the release of his much-loved comeback single 'Gwen Stacy' last year, London-based producer and artist BTJMN returns to the fold once again to offer up his breezy new single 'Talk About It'.

Teaming up with vocalist Anna De Ferren and co-writer Cassidy Reiff for the release, 'Talk About It' makes for a brilliantly bold and bouncing effort. Capturing more of that warm and seductive R&B direction he is known for, his latest cut marks another vibrant step forward in his musical evolution to date.

So with the new single available to stream now, we sat down with him to find out more about his background and influences over the years.

What was the first band or artist you fell in love with?

Oh man, there were a lot of them. When I was a really little kid listening to my parent’s music I loved The Rolling Stones and Bob Marley. When I got older I mostly discovered music through local skateparks. My iPod nano was filled with Lil Wayne, Eminem, Sean Paul, I remember being obsessed with Akon and T-pain.. artists like that. I’ve always gravitated towards commercial music and wanted to discern what makes them so ubiquitous and appealing.

Did you ever form a band when you were younger and if so, what did they sound like?

My high school had a lot of opportunities for students to play music and perform. We never had a real band name or anything, but a group of friends and I would regularly jam together at school events. If I remember correctly we mostly played enthusiastic covers of The Black Keys - “Gold On The Ceiling” and such. It was great.

What has been your primary inspiration in writing music?

A lot of my inspiration comes from pop culture: music, movies, comic books etc… I want the subject of my songs to be relatable to young people - “sex, drugs, and rock and roll” but set in the context of the internet and social media.

What is a song you wish you had written yourself?

I don’t know if there is somebody else’s work that I wish had been mine. There are definitely lines that stick in my head and make me envious. A current example would be “the apple bottom make ‘em wanna bite” which is from “Players” by Coi Leray - currently a super popular sound on tick tock. It’s simple, flirtatious, and evokes specific imagery with just a few words. Dope line.

If there was any moment in your career you could relive, what would it be?

It would be the excitement you share with collaborators when a track starts coming together. Theres nothing cooler than sitting down with creative people, and translating loose ideas and vibes into a tangible song. Luckily I get to relive that moment all the time.

Which artist would you most love to share a stage with?

I’m less fussed about sharing a stage than a studio. If I could see somebody like Post Malone perform a song that I had contributed to creatively, that would be an absolute dream come true.

And is there an artist you would love to collaborate with as well?

So many. One of my heroes is Jon Bellion. His music really inspired me right at the time that I started taking music seriously. He was a big part of what made me go to school for music and start walking the path that I’m on today. If I had to pick one person to spend time working on a song with it would be him.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hopefully working on music with people that inspire me. I absolutely love helping facilitate music creation - whether that be as a producer, songwriter, or mix engineer. If anybody wants to work on something together reach out! Maybe in 5 years I’m working on an album with somebody reading this now, who knows?


BTJMN's new single 'Talk About It' is available to stream now. Check it out below.


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