Following on from the release of his much-loved single 'Valentine' earlier this year, Scottish singer-songwriter Kyle Chatham returns once again with his sweeping new effort 'Once More Round Your Heart'.
Channelling the warm and lofty aesthetic as acts like Bon Iver and The National, 'Once More Round Your Heart' makes for a wonderfully endearing listen. With his soft and soaring voice layered over rich and atmospheric production, he certainly commands your attention with this one.
So with the new single available now, we sat down with him to find out more about his background and influences to date.
What was the first band or artist you fell in love with?
The first band I really properly fell in love with were probably Pearl Jam. In my earlier years I loved Foreigner, but probably could've only named you a handful of songs because I was 6 years old or whatever. But around the age of 9/10 I got gradually but completely obsessed with Pearl Jam. Even at that point listening to live bootleg shows provided by my brother. They're certainly a band I still love to this day if not quite as heavily - they're still very important in my life.
Did you ever form a band when you were younger and if so, what did they
sound like?
Yeah I was in a band with a few guys from primary school. We were together in a few different forms for 3 years or so until I left and they carried on for a little while I think and eventually parted ways. At the time I played drums and we were mainly doing covers of things like Nirvana and ACDC from what I remember. We did eventually write a few of our own songs and the first one, titled 'Kissing Gravel', I still think holds up today as a great track. It's strange to think that about a song we wrote when we were about 12 or 13 but remembering it now as I type this does impress me.
What has been your primary inspiration in writing music?
I'm not really sure. Probably other music is the simplest answer, but truthfully it's everything. It's a process that happens within my mind and body that feels entirely necessary as an exercise or purge of some sort. It's an endorphin or dopamine rush when you get a great idea and it keeps getting better when you follow it down the various rabbit holes it takes you. There's nothing quite like it.
What is a song you wish you had written yourself?
Fairytale of New York. To be remembered as poetic and still making millions from it year in year out is the best of both worlds.
If there was any moment in your career you could relive, what would it be?
Admittedly there haven't been many to name so far, but I don't think I would anyway. The beautiful thing about all these events is that they only happen once. They exist in a very specific moment and then are lost to the realm of memory and anecdote and that's it. I just have to hope that all my future experiences in music and in life are ones that I don't want to rewrite or end up regretting.
Which artist would you most love to share a stage with?
Ben Howard. No question.
And is there an artist you would love to collaborate with as well?
I think anyone in the Big Red Machine camp would be amazing. Seems to be such an open door policy to amazing creators and folks who seem to share similar ideas about music and output to myself I suppose. It feels like it would make a lot of sense to me.
Where do you see yourself in five years' time?
I would hope, living comfortably from doing this full time. Hopefully an album out with another on the way. Truthfully though, five years' time is too far. The future is spinning in a chaotic wind and when I look into it I see absolutely nothing. I keep living and suddenly think, 'well, here we are. Still here. I wonder how that happened.'. I'll be wondering as long as I live. I hope so at least. If you lose a sense of wonder, I presume you've lost it all.
Kyle Chatham's new single 'Once More Round Your Heart' is available to steam now. Check it out below.