After delivering her wonderfully refreshing single 'Maroon' earlier this year, emerging Canadian singer-songwriter Ariana Fig is back with the beautifully warming new effort 'Guilty Pleasure'.
Channelling a wonderfully sweet and alluring texture from start to finish, 'Guilty Pleasure' sees her unveil one of her most heartfelt offerings to date. With its sweeping flow and soaring vocals layered throughout, she looks set to become one of the most talked about new artists of the moment.
So with her latest release available to stream now, we sat down with her to find out more about her origins and inspirations over the years.
What was the first band or artist you fell in love with?
Shania Twain, I was so obsessed with her song Party for Two; I remember so vividly on my second birthday my mom coming home with a Shania Twains Greatest Hirs CD and I played it non-stop.
Did you ever form a band when you were younger and if so, what did they sound like?
Absolutely not. I always wanted to be a solo act. It sounded like me whipping my hair in every direction and screaming my lungs out to Taylor Swifts “Crazier” in my basement for my parents as a present from myself to them.
What has been your primary inspiration in writing music?
I guess I’d have to say my primary inspiration just comes from a lot of personal experiences. That doesn’t necessarily mean everything I write about has actually happened to me, it could be something I heard in a passing conversation or something my friend is going through. I’ve even written from the characters in my favourite T.V shows. I’m basically inspired by our mundane everyday lives and trying to find the part that sparkles in it.
What is a song you wish you had written yourself?
Where’s The Orchestra by Billy Joel.
If there was any moment in your career you could relive, what would it be?
Playing my first show when I was 14, it would just be so cool see and hear myself from then to now.
Which artist would you most love to share a stage with?
Kehlani all the way.
And is there an artist you would love to collaborate with as well?
The ONLY answer here is Harry Styles.
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
Hopefully with an album or two out, touring across some continents and writing about life on the way.
Ariana Fig's new single 'Guilty Pleasure' is available to stream now. Check it out below.