Photo: Eric Dolan
Following on from a string of sweet and uplifting offerings over the last year, including their recent anthem 'NO TAKE BACKS', Canadian duo Wotts look continue their upward ascent with the release of their latest single 'SOMETHING'.
Bringing back more of that fresh and glittering psych-pop energy they are known for, 'SOMETHING' makes for a brilliantly bright and inventive listen. Filled with bold and euphoric textures, a soaring atmosphere, and killer hooks layered throughout, they are once again maintaining their reputation as one of the more captivating names on the rise right now.
Despite such a strong and confident run of form throughout the last few months, 'SOMETHING' still manages to find something new and interesting in which to explore. With such a distinctive approach to their songwriting and production, they are definitely ones to keep a firm eye on for the future.