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  • Writer's pictureThe Real Ding

RAGS AND RICHES - 'Smoothie'

Having already followed up their much-loved 2022 debut album 'Always Gold' with a string of impactful efforts these last few months, US duo RAGS AND RICHES are continuing their upward ascent once again with the vibrant new single 'Smoothie'.

Capturing more of that bright and electrifying pop aesthetic they have quickly earned a reputation for, 'Smoothie' makes for an incredibly fun and enjoyable listen. With its bold and bouncing energy, soaring atmosphere, and killer vocal hooks layered throughout, they are returning to the fold with one of their most infectious cuts to date here.

While these last few years have certainly been a prolific period for the pair, 'Smoothie' still manages to make a strong impact on their ever-growing repertoire so far. With such a firm and focused approach to their sound, we can't wait to hear where they plan to take their distinctive direction next.


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