After smashing out the belters over the last few months, which have seen him generate millions of streams in the process, Maryland-based artist HASANI is back once again to share his impressive new groove 'All U Need'.
Channelling a warm and sensual RnB-inspired aesthetic, 'All U Need' shows him return in stellar form. Filled with sweet and supple atmosphere, breezy production, and his own vibrant voice at the helm, he is definitely set for big things in the months ahead.
So with the new single available to stream now, we sat down with him to find out more about his origins and what inspired him most over the years.
What was the first instrument you learned to play?
The first instrument I learned how to play was the piano.
What was the first album you remember owning?
I don’t remember the first album I owned because music was shared amongst everyone in my house but I remember owning the Cool by Lupe Fiasco and that was a longtime favorite of mine.
Did you ever form a band when you were younger and if so, what did they sound like?
I was never in a band when I was younger.
What is a song you wish you had written yourself?
One song I wish I wrote is Fertilizer by James Fauntleroy. It was used as an Interlude on Frank Oceans album Channel Orange but the whole song is beautifully written.
What has been the most thrilling moment about creating your own music?
The biggest thrill comes when I fully bring an idea to life. The moment when it comes out the way you heard it in your head, I love that.
And what about the most frustrating part?
I don’t find Music frustrating at all, it’s the opposite for me. I love the process of it and everything.
Which artist would you most love to share a stage with?
I don’t desire to share the stage with another artist right now. Maybe upon collaboration with someone I’d like to perform with someone but I like a lot of artist.
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
In five years time I see myself still creating & having much success in my music career, expanding & executing my ideas.
HASANI's new single 'All U Need' is available to stream now. Check it out below.