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  • Writer's pictureThe Real Ding

Chris Caulfield - 'Lovesick'

After spending the last few years turning out a wealth of rich and shimmering delights, Toronto-based artist Chris Caulfield continues his upward ascent once again as he delivers the breezy new offering 'Lovesick'.

Set to feature on his forthcoming new album, which is due out in the near future, 'Lovesick' makes for a brilliantly bright and immersive listen. With his bold and impactful voice layered across a progressive pop production from start to finish, he is returning to the fold with one of his most emotive outings to date here.

While these last few years have certainly been a prolific time for him, 'Lovesick' still manages to make a strong impactful on his ever-growing repertoire. With such a firm and confident grasp over his sound throughout, we can't wait to hear what this new full-length has in store for us as well.

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