After establishing himself with a wealth of bold and inventive releases over the last few years, Toronto-based artist DarioDMusic is back once again with his pulsing new groove 'Same Thing'.
Channelling more of that rich and dynamic R&B-inspired flavour he is known for, 'Same Thing' sees him build upon his diverse catalogue to date. Filled with sweet and sweeping tones, vibrant hooks, and his own sultry vocals throughout, he is certainly looking to make a big impact with this one.
So with the new single available now, we sat down with him to find out more about his background and influences over the years.
What was the first band or artist you fell in love with?
The first artist that I really loved was Mali Music I really liked his style and his messages in his music and he definitely inspired me.
Did you ever form a band when you were younger and if so, what did they sound like?
No I never formed a band when I was young but however my cousin and I use to sing on the porch for people passing by lol it was pretty funny because it believe someone paid us like $5 bucks one time because we were entertaining.
What has been your primary inspiration in writing music?
My primary inspiration in writing music is to change the messages in the music scene.. I heard someone said one time ‘ if you’re an artist and u don’t like what u hear on the radio, do something and CHANGE IT” music nowadays is either very depressing, violent, or really sexual. I'm really tired of hearing the same messages and I'm determine on making a difference and changing it.
What is a song you wish you had written yourself?
A song I wished I written myself, there's a lot I can say but right now It will definitely have to be Crooked Smile by j cole . I think everythingabout that record is fire! The vibe, the lyrics, its relatable to a lot of people out there and those are the best songs.. everything about it is solid, I wished that was me that wrote that one for sure.
If there was any moment in your career you could relive, what would it be?
A moment in my career Ill like to relive will be the first time I performed with a packed-out show called ‘The six side series’ in Toronto and nobody really knew who I was and once I started performing my songs people instantly starting vibing out with me and I gained a lot of new supporters that nightand they still follow me to this day. It'll be a night ill never forget because that was the first time performing my songs live and actually seeing how people who don’t know me respond to it and like it and became fans.
Which artist would you most love to share a stage with?
An artist I will love to sharethe stage with.. There's a lot I can say and its hard to pick only one but ill love to share a stage with either brandy or Chris brown two legends in my eyes.
And is there an artist you would love to collaborate with as well?
An artist I will like to collaborate with will be ty dolla sign.. I think we will vibe great together musically and I truly believe it will happen one day.
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
In five years I see myself touring the world with countless sold our shows, shining light and providing opportunities for upcoming artist, being worldly known to be able to be a positive role model that the next generation can look up too, and lastly changing the negativity and the messages in the music industry by leading by example with my own music first.
DarioDMusic's new single 'Same Thing' is available to stream now. Check it out below.