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Christine & The Queens announces new album 'Redcar les adorables étoiles'

Photo: Pierre-Ange Carlotti

After the release of the highly-praised LP 'Chris' in 2018, Christine & The Queens has now announced plans for a new studio album under the Redcar moniker, entitled 'Redcar les adorables étoiles'.

The new full-length will include the previous shared single 'Je te vois enfin', and is out on the 23rd September.

See the album's full tracklisting below.

'Redcar les adorables étoiles' Tracklist:

Ma bien aimée bye bye

Tu sais ce qu'il me faut

la chanson du chevalier

rien dire

la clairefontaine

Les étoiles

Mémoire des ailes

Looking for love

My birdman

Combien de temps

Je te vois enfin


Les âmes amantes


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